Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Love at The Helm

Let's talk about the way we operate in work and life. Our words and thoughts are like software that operates within the hardware of our bodies. There is no separation, so what we say and think directly moves our breath, directs our physicality and become us. 

Through conditioning and other factors, we have become hard-wired to act and react violently to ourselves and the world. This violence appears through our thoughts, our words and eventually our actions. Sometimes it is so subtle, perhaps just a simple thought like 'I shouldn't have put that sugar in my coffee'. A very small dagger in the chest, a tiny trail of life-blood seeping gently out. And we will tell ourselves that such small reprimands exist in the name of love, that we are only noting how we are not loving ourselves in order to change that. Yet it is impossible to unlove something back to a state of love.

Often, unconsciously, our words and thoughts contain incredible self-violence, again frequently hidden in the guise of improvement or achievement. Consider the way you relate to creating improvement in your life, whether business or personal. What thoughts and judgements move you? What words and descriptions leave your mouth? What types of action do you take? How present is love within the software of you? How attuned are you to your natural state of inner goodness?

There is no way to ‘kick arse’, ‘smash it’ or hustle your way to the top and operate from love at the same time. The energies are different. They feel different. Love embraces, accepts and welcomes. Kicking arse hits out and pushes – there is inherent violence in it, a need to use forceful thought/word/action to alter something about life. Love, on the other hand, holds the pain of what it is you wish to alter. It accepts, with gentility the anguish that causes the violent thought or action. It has the power to hold you through the situation. 

Within love's embrace - our inner goodness - there is a change of energy. There is no longer a need to bust anything open, but an understanding of being 'already enough', an acceptance of peace within this thing you once thought you had to smash and alter. Love teaches us that there is nowhere to get to and nothing to become because we are already all that we need. We are perfectly positioned in every moment to know ourselves and love ourselves in all our facets. 

In that place of understanding the love within, nothing needs to be smashed or kicked or criticised, just held and transformed. Make love your operating system.